When Can Baby Color Complexion Settle in Stomach

Baby acne (Hormonal spots)

(DermNet NZ)

Some b abies will develop spots around three to six weeks old that look like acne on their face, head and above the nipple line. These spots are caused by changing hormones after birth and are completely normal.

The spots can  look worse when your baby is hot or after they've been  crying. No treatment or creams are needed , because they usually heal naturally after a few weeks.

Toxic erythema

(DermNet NZ)

This is a common rash that many babies get in their first one to two weeks . It l ooks  like an insect bite and is red with a yellow center. The rash comes and goes all over the body, but otherwise your baby will be fine, apart from the rash. No special treatment is needed for toxic erythema because it goes away by itself. However , if your baby has a rash and is unwell with other symptoms you should  immediately call PlunketLine or your doctor.

H eat rash

(DermNet NZ)

Babies ' s weat glands  are not fully developed , which means that  the glands can get  blocked if your baby gets too hot . Sweat is trapped under the skin and blisters can pop up –this is called a heat rash.

Usually a heat rash will  appear as  small pink, red or clear blisters on your child's face, neck and skin folds – especially in the nappy area. The rash will often fade or disappear once your baby  is cool.

Take your little one to see a doctor if:

  • your baby is generally unwell,  h as a fever or isn't feeding well
  • the bl isters have yellow or green pus – this could mean that they are infected
  • the rash lasts longer t han three days.

To help prevent heat rash

  • Make sure your baby stays cool  or warm.
  • Use c lothes and bedding made from  natural materials, like cotton, bamboo and wool  as these  help the skin get rid of moisture and heat and stop your baby getting swe aty and hot.

Milk spots

(DermNet NZ)

Milk spots (also called milia) are tiny pearly-white bumps that occur just under the surface of your baby's skin. A lmost half of  infants will have milk spots  on the face , with most  cases  clearing up after the first four  weeks. Treatment is usually not needed, but if you  are concerned about your little one, call PlunketLine, or talk to your nurse or doctor.


What is jaundice?

Jaundice is when your baby's  skin and whites of the eyes  are tinged yellow . Mild jaundice is very common in young babies  and happens as they get rid of extra red blood cells from their birth. In rare cases, jaundice  may be a sign of a serious liver disease.

How long does jaundice last?

Jaundice usually starts a few days after a baby is born and will settle down within seven to 10 days.

When to visit a doctor

See your doctor immediately if your baby :

  • has yellow skin or eyes
  • has dark wee (yellow or brown) or pale poos
  • is sleepy and difficult to wake for feeds
  • isn't feeding well
  • is jaundiced in the first 24 hours of life
  • stays jaundiced after the first two  weeks of lif e.

When Can Baby Color Complexion Settle in Stomach

Source: https://www.plunket.org.nz/caring-for-your-child/hygiene-and-daily-care/skin-cleaning-and-bathing/your-babys-skin/#:~:text=Caring%20for%20your%20baby's%20skin,-The%20first%20few&text=Their%20skin%20will%20gradually%20adjust,have%20settled%20by%20three%20months.

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