Requirements to Be a Disney Princess in Florida

In the happiest place on earth, being a princess is a real and tough job. This reality and the rising demands for jobs have many women wondering about how to work as a Disney princess at Disney World. Here we look at what it takes to become a princess.

Too hot for little girls!

Requirements to be an official Disney Princess

The question for job hunters and Disney enthusiasts does not only stop on how do I get a job at Disney World. It also goes to the point of wondering how to work as a Disney Princess at Disney World. Just like any other jobs… being a Disney Princess in Disney World has a lot of requirements, most of which on physical matters.

How to work as a Disney Princess asks an applicant of many things related to their physical appearance such as:

  1. Minimum height requirement

Walt Disney World Orlando management offers the role of a face character… particularly a Disney princess to those who are within the 5'4"- 5'7" height cluster. This height cluster varies according to the character which the aspiring Disney princess face character wants to play or would be chosen to portray. Shorter girls might land a role as Thumbelina or Tinkerbell and the like. Taller girls, on the other hand, are more likely to get assigned as Aurora, Snow White, Cinderella, and the like.

  1. Complexion

Your skin also one of the answers on how to work as a Disney Princess at Disney World. The face character applicant needs to have a smooth and presentable skin. They have to maintain a healthy skin despite the circumstances that will happen in the course of their job. Before their acceptance of the job, they must have presentable skin from head to toe. Also, the management matches the skin tone of the applicant to the character which she will portray. The dark-complexioned girls might land on the role of Tiana. While fair-complexioned girls can land on roles like Snow White and Cinderella among others.

  1. Body size

One of the requirements to be an official Disney Princess is to fit in the costumes which come in different but quite limited sizes. This is what makes a Disney Princess a Disney Princess. According to a testament of a former Disney princess at Disney Orlando… the largest costume size that Disney has for their face character is 10. So, if you are pondering on how to work as a Princess at Disney World… you might want to check your body size and your diet.

Body size

On top of these physical requirements, you also have to meet other requirements, like:

  1. Age

How to work as a Disney Princess at Disney World has more numbers in it. One of which is age. With the management being compliant with the law… the minimum age for working as a Disney Princess is 18 years old. The maximum age is somewhere around 23 years old. Once a Disney princess reaches that age, she will have to hang those costumes and bid the job goodbye. In some reported cases, there are those who reach the age of 27 and still keep their job. Yet, the process is very tedious and takes a lot of time. On top of that, cases as such rarely happen… only if the princess still looks young and physically fit to keep the role up.

  1. Passing the auditions

Of course, many girls will desire for a Disney princess role. And the roles open are only too few to accommodate them all. Disney princess auditions are vital for anybody aiming to be a Disney Princess. There are many who will do everything on how to be Belle at Disney World. While some will go for Pocahontas and other princess roles. There will be a series of tests to determine whether the applicant deserves to portray the princess she wants to portray. In some cases, the management does not approve an applicant for a particular Disney princess she intends to portray. But instead places them in another character which they deem more matching to the princess and the applicant.

Maintaining your role as Disney Princess

Once you pass the audition scheduled for Disney Princesses, you now have to know how to keep your job. This is where the real and quite a tough journey on how to work as a Disney princess at Disney World begins. Once accepted for the job, Disney will provide a training for the accepted applicant. It will also include some orientation. Many of the queries you might have on how to work as a Disney Princess in Disney World will be entertained in the orientation and training program provided by the management.

Maintaining your role as Disney Princess

Knowing how to work as a Disney Princess at Disney World does not only stop getting the role you wanted. Neither does it stop upon accomplishing training tasks and orientation processes. You have to learn the do's and dont's of being a Disney Princess, which are:

1. You cannot post on social media whatever your job-related activities are.

Fine, you like the way you are dressed, the show was amazing and you only want to shout it out to the world. However, the management will not approve of such acts. So as to maintain the anonymity and the "behind-the-scenes" peeks of the performance. Also, you could not introduce yourself as Disney princess or a face character on social media.

2. You have to know how to apply make-up.

It's not only about the plain make-up business. But it's about applying make-up while giving justice to the character you portray. It's one of the elements that answer how does a character become a Disney Princess. For some characters, the management will provide make-up and make-up artists. As for some characters, they're out to venture on their own in line with this matter. Thus, being a Disney princess will also need you to have this skill in applying makeup. Which is achievable through knowing your character by heart. And of course with the aid of tutorial videos over YouTube.

3. Know your Princes by heart.

During your crash training with the management after getting accepted… you will have to know your Disney princess. It's not only about knowing who she is, where she came from, her story or whatnot. It includes knowing how she moves, talks, and how she would respond in certain situations. A testimony from a former Disney princess at Disney World said that the training included watching the Disney Princess movie for five times straight in a row. This former Disney Princess even said that she had to watch it several times…. to the point where she can recite each line from the movie as it rolls, and with accuracy in tones and words.

Another factor for you to consider in maintaining your job is your socialization skills. Knowing how to work as a Disney Princess at Disney World entitles more than just a pretty face and a talent for posing yourself and acting. This includes skills in handling different people in particular situations such as:

  1. Dealing with stalkers

As a Disney princess and a performer above all, stalkers are a part of the things to deal with. From time to time, there's going to be that one creepy person who adores you too much. To the point of breaching lines between being an audience and being a person trying to get to you. Another narrative from a former Disney princess will prove you this.

She used to play the role of Snow White in Disney World. One day a fan came to her, telling her that he is not going to watch a different Snow White performer aside from her. The said stalker kept o showing up on her performances since then. Since this Snow White is blue-eyed, she is easily recognizable. Once, she took her day-off and another face character took the job. The next time she had her performance, this stalker confronted her.

Scary as it may seem, she found her way out of trouble and reported the said incident to the management. Fast and fair enough… the management banned the stalker from entering the park premises. And then, later on, stripped him of Disney Club privileges.

  1. Handling awkward questions from kids

Being a Disney Princess in Disney World… you are in most cases frequented by kids—some of which having questions that will only make you go, "WHAT?"

In line with this matter, a Disney princess must know how to answer these questions in a child-friendly and entertaining manner. For instance, if you happen to be portraying Rapunzel. And then a kid asks you about Pascal. You should be well-equipped with answers that are consistent with the character. And a little bit segue with the plot of the movie.

  1. Smiling regardless of the circumstance and the weather

Consideringhow was Disney World built and its current structure… you will be staying outdoors more often than not. You will have to stand under the heat of the sun. And even in the midst of the cold of the winter and all the other extreme atmospheric conditions.

Under these situations, one thing I asked of a Disney princess. And that is to maintain a sunshiny smile and face the visitors with maintained glee on their faces and way of interaction. With the label as the "happiest place on earth"… the management would, as much as possible like to keep up with this label in every aspect that there is.

Being a Disney princess… you are a big part of those aspects and elements that make Disney World the happiest place on earth. You must do your best and be able to smile all the time while working and portraying the princess assigned to you. How to work as a Disney Princess at Disney World requires more than just a pretty face, but also a smiling face.

How much do Disney Princesses get paid?

How much do Disney Princesses get paid?

The question on salary and rates are inseparable with the question on how to work as a Disney princess. You might be wondering right now how much these princess jobs pay off. According to a testimony of a former face character, a face character… particularly a Disney princess' rate starts at $7 per month. There are occasional salary increases and it often comes in small amounts… somewhere around $2.50. Quite a decent pay for a job like this, but not that much of a money.

How to work as a Disney princess is not only a query within the country, but also abroad. Working in a country overseas can be one tricky task for the aspiring Disney princess. How to work at Disney World from UKis also one prevalent concern in line with this matter. There so many documents to fill up, requirements to meet and money to spend for this aspiration. Despite its difficulty… there are certain guidelines about how you can turn this dream into reality.

Applying from abroad

Luckily, for aspiring Disney princesses from other countries… part of the hiring process is conducted online. Certain requirements are asked to be submitted online such as bio-data and the like. As for the rest of the process… it will depend on your location and whether you caught their attention and interest or not. How to work as a Disney Princess at Disney World looks at no race nor place of origin. Talking about character consistency… they would also like to open their training and their opportunities to residents of other countries.

Perks of being a Disney Princess at Disney World

How to be a Disney Princess is not only answered by the requirements and demands. But also by the perks that come with it. Of course, being one of the people that keeps the magic of Disney alive… there are some perks for Disney princesses, such as:

  1. A good 40% discount at Disney Stores;
  2. A thumping 50% discount on Disney cruises;
  3. A sweet 40% discount on all the food available in the park;
  4. And the most thrilling of them all are the free passes for your family and friends.

The management provides certain requirements upon availing these perks. Especially the free passes for the family and friends. These requirements need some clarification from the management for accuracy. This matter will also be discussed in the orientation once you qualify for the job.

Figuring out how to work as a Disney Princess at Disney World is quite fascinating. And at the same time very challenging. However, thinking of the perks that come along with it and the happiness that you bring to the guests… you surely have one good adventure ahead.

Requirements to Be a Disney Princess in Florida


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